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manhattan project 第二次世界大戰中美國原子彈研究計劃。


Now the apo1lo project , the manhattan project , as we11 as the hman genome project required the most significant cooperation among the scientists a11 over the world , do it together and share the know1edge as well as the profit respectiyely , it has become the famous princip1e of hgp . the topics mainly included in this dissertation : 1 . the first c1ass of science and technology usua1ly will become the first class of industry 通過對基因理論和基因技術發展過程的考察,可以明顯地看出:現代的生物高新技術呈現出逐漸加速的與其他學科相互交叉、相互借鑒、相互融合的趨勢;如,基因技術與蛋白質技術與信息技術的交叉和混合生長? ?基因組學、生物信息學和生物芯片技術以及設想中的生物計算機技術。

Sustained marshaling of cross - border engineering and political resources over the course of a century or more to check the rise of carbon emissions makes a moon mission or a manhattan project appear comparatively straightforward 要整合跨國工程、政治資源,來管制碳排放量的增加,且時間長達一世紀或更久,恐怕連登月任務或曼哈坦計畫,都比這還要容易得多。

This form of statistical sampling is hardly new : it was originally developed in the manhattan project to build the first nuclear bombs in the 1940s 這種統計取樣毫無新意:它最初開發于1940年代制造第一枚核彈的曼哈頓工程中。

Manhattan project : a team led by enrico fermi initiate the first self - sustaining nuclear chain reaction 1942年曼哈頓計劃:一支由恩里科?費爾米率領下的小組啟動了第一條自給核反應鏈。